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Create the new, do what feels true. Be as transparent as wind, as possible as wood, as deep as water, as solid as earth, as dangerous as fire.

Healing is an everyday discipline. When we multiply the times of wellbeing, we eventually create change in a positive direction. Based on my experience, sustainable long-term healing and growth happens at home and involves extending yoga beyond the studio and the mat into our daily life. The power of habits and rituals which shape our day-to-day life is widely acknowledged. I therefore put a lot of emphasis on integrating conscious movement to various areas of life so that life eventually and gradually becomes a moving meditation. I hereby work with seasonal Sadhanas based on TCM 5 elements theory and complementary yoga therapy to bring mind and body more into the rhythms of nature. Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that stands for “awakening to your true self by living in ahimsa.” That in turn means living in harmony with oneself, the cycles of nature and realizing that every aspect of our life is sacred. Sadhanas basically represent powerful everyday practices or rituals and I mainly make use of the following tools:

Wood: journaling, coaching
Fire: rituals & ceremonies
Earth: yoga therapy, embodiment practices
Metal: meditation, breath work
Water: emotional release tools, sensuality

Linda Kotin Holistic Health Coaching

1:1 Sadhanas

The depth of growth depends on how deep we are willing to look at ourselves. This 1:1 Sadhana offering not only takes the mind into account but also the physical and spiritual aspects of our being. I make use of an integrative and human- centred method that focuses on unlocking the client & inner resources to solve problems, heal and achieve their goals. I am passionate about creating individual compositions to help release blockages, heal at the root, and facilitate you towards living a more authentic, and embodied version of yourself.

If you are interested, please contact me here and we can discuss everything else in person.

This is how I work:

First, we get to know each other via a free 30min online call to discuss how sessions run and decide if we want to work together. Your concerns, goals, and resources will be worked out in the first session thereafter. We will then together work out individual tools and Sadhanas that empower you in your daily life. At intervals of a few weeks, your practice plan will be reviewed and further developed as required. This process enables a sustainable further development and deepening with high effectiveness.
You can contact me here to schedule an appointment with me.

My prices are based on sliding scales, depending on your financial situation.

First session incl. anamnesis (90min):
CHF 200 - 250

Each additional 1:1 session (60min):
CHF 120 - 170

Package with 6 sessions incl. first session:
CHF 700 - 1,100

If you have supplementary insurance, up to 80% can be covered by your insurance. I am EMR certified. Please check with your personal insurance company.

Linda Kotin Holistic Health Coaching